Delivery Partners

AllChild opportunities are delivered through a partnership of charities working locally, giving young people access to opportunities they might not otherwise have.

And Circus

Circus skills training for developing children and young people's motor reflexes, creative potential and social-emotional skills.

At the Bus

Offers a school-based programme of art as therapy to support the education, health, and wellbeing of children, developing their resilience and self-esteem.

The Bike Guys

Weekly BMX sessions with a qualified instructor to help children improve their confidence and skills in a fun and safe outdoor environment.

Bookmark Reading

Helps children develop reading skills and confidence with the support of volunteers.

Child Counselling

We work with several qualified therapists, offering counselling for children and young people.

Children’s Literacy Charity

Twice weekly, one to one tutoring to support children close the literacy gap, enabling them to achieve their potential.

Choose To Live

A local charity providing mentoring and small group personal development programmes and steel pan tuition and performance.

Clement James Centre

A local community centre offering one to one tuition and academic support sessions at the centre and in school.


Coaching sessions led by university students to help children fulfil their academic potential in a chosen subject area and become independent and resilient learners before they leave KS2.

Creative Futures

A multi-arts programme specialising in bespoke, high-quality creative projects for early years and primary aged children.

Doorstep Library

Volunteers provide one to one reading sessions for families and children to develop a love of books and reading.


Uses spoken word and drama to support young people with a focus on emotional literacy for younger children and resilience and identity for older children.


Arts-based workshops for secondary aged young people, using spoken word and arts based activities to support goal setting and developing aspirations.

Equal Education

Weekly one-to-one tutoring providing targeted academic support to improve maths attainment, and to close the gap between current attainment and age-related expectations.

Flourished Minds

Coaching sessions on a one-to-one basis that allow young people to talk about their issues and challenges, and to think of ways to remove barriers in their personal, academic and professional lives.

Future Men

Mentoring and group work sessions for boys to support them to develop resilience, attainment, self efficacy and positive mental health.

Hackney Speech and Language Therapy

Targeted speech and language therapy for children, from Early Years to Secondary School. One-to-one or group sessions focus on grammar and narrative skills, and there is targeted therapy for children with mild-moderate speech, language, and communication needs.

Hammersmith Community Gardens

Local environmental charity who manage several community gardens in Hammersmith and Fulham offering environmental play schemes and environmental education in local schools.

In Your Corner

In Your Corner runs boxing projects for young people and adults to support emotional wellbeing. Their mission is to provide high quality group interventions that combine non-contact boxing with evidence-based ideas from psychological intervention.

Jamie's Farm

Residential programme on a farm involving students in farming, family and therapy.

The Jen Group

Offer group discussions on a range of topics, creating a safe space for young people to open up and talk about their challenges and issues of interest to them.


Groupwork programme at secondary school using drama therapy to build resilience and self-awareness.

Kit Theatre

Immersive theatre programmes that are designed to inspire pupils to engage with their emotions and develop skills to help themselves and others.

Kite Studios

High quality art and crafts sessions from the local Kite art Studios.


1:1 Mentoring and groupwork programme for secondary students to help them understand and deal with different forms of conflict to lead to better friendships.

London Sports Trust

After school multi-sports programme to promote physical activity and improve confidence and team work.

Nourish Hub

Their programme helps children build confidence through developing cookery skills and preparing a variety of vegetarian, plant based meals, helping children discover the basic principles of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Number Champions

Trained volunteers that help transform the lives of children in UK primary schools who struggle with numeracy or lack confidence with maths.

Oasis Farm

Oasis Farm is an urban farm in Waterloo, running therapeutic and educational activities for children, specifically helping to tackle challenging behaviours, engage children in academic life, improve their self-esteem and resilience. They partner with Jamie’s Farm, a national charity and one of our delivery partners, which transforms children’s lives through ‘Farming, Family & Therapy’.


Targeted one to one and group counselling sessions and a self-referral service for children and young people.


Weekly one-hour football group sessions to help young people develop skills to manage their emotions, build and maintain friendships and develop their mental health and wellbeing.

ReACT Drama Therapy

Group drama therapy sessions offering students the opportunity to expand their perceptions and understanding of the world.

Reclaimed Project

Small group wood-work sessions aimed at supporting young people to create their own products.

Rugby Portobello Trust

1:1 and small group work programmes to help with emotional regulation, friendships and confidence.


Opportunities for young people to gain work experience, understand the labour market and develop confident enterprise and employability skills.

Team Up

Group English and Maths tuition services to inspire and support young people to reach their academic potential.

Tie-Dye Drama

Tie-Dye Drama runs inspiring drama workshops allowing young people to engage with contemporary issues, encouraging social and emotional wellbeing through role play and open discussion.

Tutors Green

Offer one-to-one tutoring, providing targeted academic support to improve maths and/or English attainment and to close the gap between current attainment and age-related expectations.

Unlocking Potential

1:1 counselling and occupational therapy for students at primary school to help with social, emotional and mental health needs.

Urbanwise London

Specialist outdoors sessions teaching children and young people about local urban environments, local heritage and wildlife.

West London Action for Children

Small group sessions that provide counselling and therapy services for children and their families.

2-3 Degrees

Programme that uses activity-based learning to improve students' attitudes to education, confidence and resilience.

together, every child and young person can flourish.
