For Children and Young People

This information is for young people who are joining our programme wanting to know more about AllChild.

Hello! We are a local charity providing local opportunities and support to young people and their families in West London and Wigan. We want to make sure you have the relationships and skills to feel confident, happy and supported at school, at home and in your community.

What is a Link Worker?

A Link Worker is a trusted adult in your school that will guide your progress over the 2-year programme and be there to provide you with one-to-one support.

They will work with you, your family and your teachers to introduce you to different opportunities available in our community and help you build the skills you need to achieve your goals.

In your regular one-to-one sessions with your Link Worker you will focus on your goals, and they will work with you to identify any other areas that are important to you.

Your Link Worker will connect you to interesting activities to get involved with, help you with your schoolwork if needed and be someone to chat to about your day - someone you can share your positive experiences or challenges with. They are there to listen to you.

Your 2-year programme:

The focus is on giving you the tools to achieve your goals. While on the programme you will be able to take part in sessions like:

  • Drama sessions with Tie-Dye Drama
  • Sports sessions with London Sports Trust
  • Art workshops using spoken word and arts-based activities with Element
  • Tackling issues around identity, empowerment, self esteem and life goals for women with MOVE “First Love Yourself”
  • Opportunities to develop employability skills
  • Maths or English tutoring with Team Up
  • Catch Up Literacy sessions
  • Early Years Speech and Language Groups

Your Link Worker will also give you the opportunity to work in small groups where you can work on your reading, maths, relationships with friends,  improving your concentration and confidence in the classroom, and mindfulness. There will also be opportunities to go on trips and take part in fun activities such as football and drama in the holidays.

Feedback from young people on the programme:

It built my confidence, bravery and showed me I shouldn't give up. I have a place where I can go to talk about my feelings and that's what I love about AllChild.

AllChild young person
I'm much more positive and it has helped me take part in better experiences.

AllChild young person

96% of young people find setting goals with their Link Worker helpful

92% of young people say they can ask their Link Worker for support

98% of young people find sessions with their Link Worker helpful

together, every child and young person can flourish.
